Outstaffing, EOR services
- What is Outstaffing
- Benefits for the company
- Advantages of working with Antal Kazakhstan
Outstaffing is a service that means providing personnel for companies on a temporary or permanent basis. You can request the terms and conditions of outstaffing, outsourcing by e-mailing info@antalkazakhstan.com
Outstaffing benefits for your business:
- The service can be applied when there are limitations in staffing levels in companies, to implement or launch a new project, as well as when the company does not have a legal entity in Kazakhstan, but the company is still operating.
- Outstaffing has no limits on the number of personnel provided, and also has no limits on the duration of the project.
- Antal Kazakhstan can outstaff the team with no restrictions on the location of the employees.
- Antal Kazakhstan provides the opportunity to execute labor contracts and civil law contracts at the customer’s request, complying with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Opportunity to reduce costs on the main labor fund, improve financial performance.
- No risks when parting with employees upon project completion.
Antal Kazakhstan will hire as many employees as you need right now. The time from your request to the start of work is 1-2 days. And if you decide to close the contract, it will not cost you anything. Unlike firing, which leads to expense and image risks.
Case study:
A company has a secretary who falls ill. Antal Staffing Solutions brings in a replacement secretary on the same day, closing the client’s urgent need.
Advantages of working with Antal Kazakhstan team
- Individual and professional approach to projects;
- Experienced specialists with deep expertise in legislation;
- Conducting presentations for employees who are registered for outstaffing. We are attentive not only to the customer, but also to the employees.
- Timely remuneration, payment of all necessary taxes for workers and responding to requests for information;
- Support for business travel, paperwork, all types of references and reporting;
- Administrative and informational support;
- Provision of a personal contact person regardless of the number of employees provided;
- Ability to provide both recruiting and outstaffing to the client;
Antal is an international company with strict internal controls.
- We always prefer a cheap option to a reliable one.
- We will prepare the documentation for you in accordance with all the requirements of local legislation.
Antal Kazakhstan s is part of one of the largest employment agencies – Antal International. We will quickly find the right employees for you.
Case study:
An oil and gas equipment manufacturer won a multi-million dollar tender for the supply and installation of oil and gas equipment and was supposed to provide the customer with a specialist to train its personnel. However, all of the company’s specialists were busy with other projects.
It was impossible to hire a new employee, because the head office set a limit on the number of people on the staff. The situation was threatening to ruin the contract.
We suggested that the client hire an employee under an outsourcing contract for the duration of the project. We found a suitable candidate and helped him get accredited. At the same time, the company’s staff remained the same.
how much you can save by hiring temporary staff?