Recruitment of middle managers

To fulfill the position quickly

Hundreds of resumes with an unpredictable level of candidates end up in open databases. Useless appointments take plenty of time. The Antal database contains 550,000 handpicked candidates of middle and senior management level. We have interviewed 90,000 of these candidates in person over the last 10 years. The candidates in the database correspond to the required level. The best candidates rarely search for job on their own, and their contacts are not available in open sources. For a successful search you need to use your connections and references. Antal works with more than 15 industries and 10+ specialties. The consultants are constantly making connections in their specific sector. In most cases, they already know the candidates who might be right for your job. The specifics of the job do not always allow you to find quickly a candidate from your industry or region. Antal speeds up the search using regions and other industries. We cover vacancies in 60 cities in the CIS. We also connect our partners from Antal International, who have a network of 140+ offices around the world, to projects.

Case Study:

A retail company needed a specialist for its team. But applicants refused because of low wages. The search dragged on, the work was not done.

We suggested that we look for candidates in the regions where salary expectations are usually lower. Having received consent, we quickly found three candidates whose qualifications and experience matched the vacancy. One of them got the job.

Even taking into account the one-time relocation compensation, the company met its budget.

In 9 out of 10 cases we offer our clients suitable candidates in one or two weeks.

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Find a qualified employee

  • Based on the criteria you set, we’ll conduct the search and the first stages of the selection process. You’ll focus on working with the most promising finalists. You’ll save time, expand your search map with our database of candidates, and hire the best ones.

A candidate may not fit your team in terms of personality. If this is not detected in advance, team conflicts might occur.

At your request Antal:

  • Conduct a competency-based interview. This will allow you to predict the candidate’s behavior based on his or her past work.
  • Show candidates from companies with a similar internal culture.
  • Will do a Thomas International personality analysis of the candidate and match them to your requirements.

Candidate goes out to work, and soon realizes he or she is not motivated to work for the position. The consequences are severe for everyone.

  • The candidates understand that Antal is working on different jobs, so they engage in a dialogue with us without adjusting for a specific position.
  • We identify each candidate’s true motivation with the help of special techniques and always take it into account while selecting personnel.

Case Study:

Throught the open sources you found out 54 seemingly suitable candidates. The HR director and department head conducted 15 interviews and spent a month doing so. In fact, none of the candidates met the requirements.

The employer realized that the remaining 39 resumes would not guarantee a result. So Antal was entrusted with the selection of candidates and the first stages of the interview.

One week later, four finalists who met the requirements were presented to the client. As a result, a candidate was hired whose resume was not initially in the public domain.

98% of our candidates successfully pass their probationary period. If an employee is not suitable, we look for a replacement free of charge.


Get to an agreement on compensation package with the candidate

Successful candidates negotiate from a tough, competitive position. Negotiating with them can be difficult.

  • Antal consultant communicates with both parties — trustingly and one-on-one. Knows the additional motivators of the candidate. Helps to negotiate not only at the expense of salary.

Negotiations can break down when parties have different views on the salaries in the industry

  • Antal provides objective market benchmarks for the compensation package, uses labor market overviews and knowledge of salaries in different companies in the industry. This helps you bring your positions closer together.

Case Study:

The candidate’s salary expectations were significantly higher than our client could offer. Negotiations were deadlocked.

While communicating with the candidate, the Antal consultant identified another important motivator. On the consultants’ advice the employer had offered the candidate an extended scope of work: the position in this form implied frequent business trips to Europe. This was the decisive argument.

The candidate agreed to a less salary for the chance to exchange experiences with colleagues from leading global companies.

Maintain an image in the labor market

Other companies have good candidates. But by poaching them, you risk ruining the relationship

«Delicate» headhunting with the help of Antal:

  • Creating a list of the most successful candidates
  • Without announcement of your company, we check their expectations and compliance with requirements
  • We assign you an interview with the finalists.
  • You accept the result.

Not disclosing information about the vacancy. For example, when you need to accurately find a replacement for a current employee.

  • The search is structured so that your name is only being disclosed to the finalists and at the very last minute. Everything else is done on behalf of Antal.

Some candidates get emotional about the rejection and start spreading negative information about the company.

  • The rejection will come from Antal. So we just divert the attention of the candidate to another offer. After all, we have over 300 vacancies in the work every day.

Candidates prefer vacancies of our competitors, because they find their brand more attractive.

  • It is important for candidates to have information about the real advantages of the company confirmed by an independent consultant well-known on the market. In such cases Antal can act as a reference source.
  • We can also survey your target audience about the pros and cons of working for your company. This allows you to position vacancies correctly in a conversation with candidates.

Case Study:

A retail company needed a specialist for its team. But applicants refused because of low wages. The search dragged on, the work was not done.

We suggested that we look for candidates in the regions where salary expectations are usually lower. Having received consent, we quickly found three candidates whose qualifications and experience matched the vacancy. One of them got the job.

Even taking into account the one-time relocation compensation, the company met its budget.

Case Study:

A retail company needed a specialist for its team. But applicants refused because of low wages. The search dragged on, the work was not done.

We suggested that we look for candidates in the regions where salary expectations are usually lower. Having received consent, we quickly found three candidates whose qualifications and experience matched the vacancy. One of them got the job.

Even taking into account the one-time relocation compensation, the company met its budget.

Antal is a large international company. We have been working on the Kazakh market for more than 25 years and can use our name to support your vacancies

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